In todays blog we will be looking at 3 great exercises/stretches you can perform everyday to stretch out and unlock your hips. Being more mobile at the hip joint can help you a lot in the gym as a greater range of motion will allow you to put more stress on your muscles, resulting in a larger improvement in strength. It will also help with everyday function, as we need mobile hips to be able to bend down with ease. Try this exercises as a warmup or even a daily routine.
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Turn on those post notifications because we have a VERY exciting announcement to make...but of course we're gonna make you wait just a little bit. :)
Announcement will be made on Monday April 25th on both Instagram and Facebook, so make sure to turn those notifications on and BE READY!

Masks Are Becoming Optional
As per the announcement made on Wednesday, face coverings will be optional to wear in most indoor settings beginning Monday, March 21st, 2022. It will not be required to enter the gym with a face covering; however, it is completely up to you if you would feel more comfortable to continue wearing one in common areas or during a workout. No judgment!
We are looking forward to returning to normal and seeing everyone’s bright smiles!
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